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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How to trick out your old gameboy Pt. 1: New Paint Job

I've been modding gameboys for some time now. I do many hardware mods for my chiptunes, but I also like to some painting for even more awesomeness!

First step is pretty simple. Take your gameboy apart. For this, you'll need a tri-wing screw driver. You can get one from many different sites, but I recommend Kitch-Bent and Nonfinite Electronics. Once the case is apart, you'll have to pull out the ribbon cable that connects the two PCBs. Just give it a gentle tug, and it will come right out. You'll also need a smallish Philips screw driver to take the PCB's out of the case. There is also a metal bracket behind the cartridge slot that needs to come off. You also have the option to take off the screen cover, but if you choose to do this you'll have to do some extra work scrapping off the old glue and re-gluing it back on. Otherwise you'll just cover this with tape, which is what I did.

The case with the primer and base coat of paint

The next step is priming and applying your base coat. It will probably help if you sand the case down, but I chose not to. I use Acrylic spray paint for plastics. Make sure to lay down some newspaper, but also I like to use some Styrofoam or chunks of cardboard egg cartons to raise the front and back parts of the case off of the ground. This allows you to better get at the case from the side. First do your primer then your base color. The back portion I painted with only one color, but the front I did two, so that's why they are different colors right now. I make sure to put on really light coats just to make sure that I don't apply too much. This means I have to put on a few extra coats, but I'm fine with that. Since I decided to leave my screen cover on, I covered it with painters tape and cut around the edges with a razor blade. But, some paint still got on the back side somehow, so now I have to replace it anyway. So, if you decide to leave the cover on, make sure you put tape on the back just in case.

The cutout stencil

Now, as I stated, the front part of the case has two colors. I decided to make an 8-bit skull design. First, I drew my design on paper and cut it out. Once you have the paper stencil, layout two layers of painters tape on a piece of cardboard that is slick, like a soda box. I used a Long John Silvers cardboard pirate hat. then put your paper stencil over the tape and tape it down with only one layer of tape. You should be able to see the stencil through the tape. Use a razor blade to cut out around the stencil. Once you are done with this, remove the unneeded tape and the paper stencil, which now has one layer of tape on it. You're now ready to take your knew double layered tape stencil and put it on your gameboy!

The gameboy with the new stencil on

Now you're ready for your last coats of paint! Do your best to make sure that all of the edges and corners of the stencil are stuck down as best as you can get them. Then, you are ready to put on your second color. Apply just as you did your base coat and then apply a couple coats of clear coat to protect the finish. After that, you're all done! You can either put your awesome gameboy back together, or continue to follow the blog for the next part which is going to deal with hardware modification. Keep moddin' chippers!

Friday, February 17, 2012

M36ABIT3: My 8-bit adventure!

I'm a musician. I have been for 56% percent of my life. In the last two years, my musical career has become increasingly exciting. I'm in a local band, Silent Havok, and we play 2-3 times a month localy, but also I have a solo project.

I go by M36ABIT3 (it's pronounced megabyte). M36ABIT3 is a chiptune/electronic project that I started about two years ago now. It started off as just a hobby. I got my first flash cart and loaded the popular chiptune program LSDj onto it. Using modded gameboys, I write my songs. Ever since I first discovered chiptune I have been hooked by it's nostalgic bleeps and bloops. I work to pump as much sound out of the little devices as I can. In some songs I use multiple gameboys at the same time. In my more recent songs I use a midi device that I rigged together to sync Ableton Live producing software on my laptop to my gameboys. In combination, I can really pump the bass through my laptop and still get all of the crazy 8-bit sounds that are iconic to retro gaming consoles.

Recently, I've joined the recently formed Fallen From Silence Records (AKA FFS Records). The labels compilation CD release party is tomorrow and I'm going to be performing! The label has a number of local DJ's and Producers that are going to be performing tomorrow night. There are going to be two stages and it's only $7! I'm ecstatic about this performance!

If you want to hear my music, I have all of my music up on soundcloud and if you like what you hear make sure to go "Like" my facebook page.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Glitchboy: Mojam

Mojang and the creators of the Humble Bundle are teaming up this weekend for a 60 hour programming session to create a new game decided by you! Voting is in progress now giving you several options for both the genre of the game and the theme of it. All of the proceeds will go to charity as well. The price hasn't been announced but based on how the Humble Bundle works, one could assume you will be able to pick your price. To those who know a few things about Notch, the most astonishing piece of news for all this might be that Notch will shave his beard if $1,000,000 is raised.

Watch the video and vote inside.

ComtechyService: An Introduction

My contribution to this blog will be tech reviews, and my opinion on new technology, movies, and music.
Let me tell you a little about myself. I’m a nerd, and have been since I was young. I started out dabbling in mechanics, then switched to electronics, then onto computers when I was 12. Started out on an old Gateway Pen 3 (my dad’s), then “upgraded” to my own Dual  Processor 333MHz Pentium II. I tried out many different operating systems, both Windows and Linux, but my favorite thing to do was to mod the registry and totally trick it out. I spent many years in XP, before finally upgraded to Windows 7 in 2009. (I will be writing a review on Windows 8, when it drops later this year.)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ultrastatic: My Introduction

I love electronics, video games, and music.

My contribution to this blog will include League of Legends streaming with Glitchboy, featured case mods and various computer builds, electronics mods, and my spin on music.

Glitch and I play League together quite often and it only made sense to stream our favorite game. At the moment, I'm not really playing any other games. Between school, preparing for college, and writing music, I can get pretty busy. But, when I do get around to playing other games, I'll make sure to voice my opinions!

As far as electronics go, I've always had a curious interest for electricity and the integrated circuits hiding in everyday devices. I built my first gaming computer in ninth grade. Last year I designed a compact case mod disguised as a book case. I call it! ...THE BOOK CASE MOD!! Right now I'm in the process of designing an ultra compact all-in-one gaming pc which will at some point most definitely be featured in this blog. If you have any ideas for mods or pc builds be sure to leave a comment.
Also, I frequently mod Gameboys... Which, leads me into my final point of introduction!

I'm a musician. I've been playing piano for ten years now, drums for eight, and bass guitar for four. But, in the last two years, I've picked up a more unique instrument. The Nintendo Gameboy! I write music classified under the genre, Chiptune. I play shows locally and have been recently become affiliated with a local record label. My gameboy mods as well as my music and how it is made will be featured on this blog.

So that's me! Hope you are all as excited as I am to be apart of this blog! ^-^

Friday, February 10, 2012

Glitchboy: An Introduction to Rainmeter

There are not many easy ways to make a computer very eye appealing. The quickest and easiest ways a typical user tries to pretty up their computer is through their desktop. Most of you though have only scratched the surface of what can be accomplished.

I'm not saying the desktop shown above is for you but, if any one part of it appeals to you then this guide is for you.

I love customizing my desktop and it will be my goal from now on to pass that love on and to show you how to accomplish making astonishing desktops.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Series of Updates

With this post comes several changes.
I know Mr Owl! I'm just as surprised he's starting up again as you! He also needed an eyegrabber!

Friday, May 13, 2011

M36ABIT3 Gig Preview

M36ABIT3 (Pronounced Megabite) is a local Nebraskan artist devoted to making chiptunes (See Below) from his Gameboy. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

A Sucker Punch to Blockbusters

A wild ride for every part of your mind, Sucker Punch is a twister of a plot line that will bring nearly every form of movie genre all pulled into one. After seeing several advertisements on TV, most people still had no idea what it was about. The description still left the reader clueless to what they could expect. How many of you have ever seen Action /Adventure /Scifi /Fantasy /Suspense /Thriller‎ /Drama as the genre to a single movie? Not many, that’s for sure.
Immediately you’re exposed to one girl’s nightmare of a reality. Her mother has died and has left everything to her two daughters. We find this out when her stepfather opens the will alone. In a drunken rage he attempts to change that. The rest of the story is devoted to this poor girl’s attempt at finding a normal life for herself after her step-father destroys all that she once knew.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Glitchit Store Grand Opening

Go check out the Glitchit Store. Lots of items for sale as cheap if not cheaper than you can get it anywhere else.
